Outreach Services

The Senior Center offers a wide array of outreach services to seniors (60 and over) from Ashfield, Buckland, and Shelburne. Our Outreach Coordinator is Teddy Doucette. He is available to meet with you over the phone, in person at the Center, or at your home. Call us at 625-2502 to make an appointment with Teddy, or if you are interested in any of the services shown below.

West County Caregiver Support Group

A support group for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia meets once a month to discuss their common experiences and offer support to one another. Facilitated by Outreach Coordinator Teddy Doucette and Social Worker Dianna Young.

West County Memory Cafe

The West County Memory Cafe is a monthly gathering of individuals with memory loss and their care partner. Come and enjoy lunch, an activity, socialization and meet others experiencing similar challenges. There is no charge to attend.

SHINE Health Insurance Counseling

SHINE Counselors provide you with free, unbiased information about your health insurance options. SHINE Counselors also assist with navigating your online health insurance accounts, searching for cheaper insurance options and assistance with Medicare enrollment. Please call LifePath for an appointment: 413-773-5555.

Home Repair Program

A handy person volunteer is available to do minor home repairs for seniors. This is a free service provided by the Senior Center and is available to residents of the three consortium towns, Ashfield, Buckland and Shelburne. The senior is expected to purchase all needed parts and materials. Although there is no fee for this service, voluntary donations are accepted. This program is funded in part by a Title III grant from the Federal Administration for Community Living and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

Medical Equipment Loans

The Senior Center works with the Triad Division of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office to connect local seniors with medical equipment loans. This includes wheelchairs, walkers, commodes and more.

Fuel Assistance

The Fuel Assistance program runs from November 1 to April 30 annually. Those who struggle with home heating expenses can receive help to cover about 30% of the costs. We can help you learn more about the program and assist with the application process.

SNAP Benefit Assistance

SNAP benefits provide a monthly benefit to buy nutritious foods. You might qualify for SNAP benefits if your 1-person household has a $2,265 gross monthly income or less; or if your 2-person household has a $3,052 gross monthly income or less. We can help you learn more about the SNAP program and the application process.

Information & Referrals to community resources

Whether you are looking for recommendations for lawn services, home repairs, home health aids, legal services, assisted living, etc. we can connect you with local and trusted resources.

Donation Policy: Voluntary, confidential donations are gratefully accepted for the Caregivers Support Group and West County Memory Cafe programs. Donations are purely voluntary and do not impact access to any programs or services funded by the Title III Grant.
LifePath Grievance Procedure: In compliance with federal and state law, LifePath has established grievance procedures for elders who are dissatisfied with or denied services provided in whole or in part by Title III of the Older Americans Act. Notice must be posted in writing in a conspicuous manner at the place where such services are rendered or delivered, or written material must be made available to participants where posting is not feasible. You are encouraged to resolve grievances as much as possible before initiating the formal process. A sample grievance posting is available for the subgrantee to use for the notice that is posted at the program activity site, or sent to participants if posting is not possible.

Please check our Calendar for the most current information.

LifePath, Inc.

LifePath offers assistance with benefits including fuel assistance, money management, home health care, and more. Call LifePath at (413) 773-5555 for more information.

Activities Calendar
To Go Meal
Tue, Feb 11, 2025, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Posted to: General Events
Games Afternoon
Tue, Feb 11, 2025, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Posted to: General Events
More Paper Play workshop
Tue, Feb 11, 2025, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Posted to: General Events