Meals & Food
Senior Center "To Go" Meals
Due to COVID-19, the Center has been offering two To Go meals each month. These meals are homemade in our certified kitchen by Activities Coordinator Dot Lyman and volunteers. They are handed off drive-through style in front of our building. A $4 donation is requested. Call us at 625-2502 for more information.
Upcoming Meals:
Tuesday, January 7
To Go Meal - New Year Brunch: Savory Egg Dish, Chocolate Croissants, Veggie, Dessert $4
Tuesday, January 28
To Go Meal - Lunar New Year: Fried Rice, Duck Sauce & Wontons, TBA, Fortune Cookies $4
Tuesday, February 11
To Go Meal - Mac & Cheese with Ham and Peas, Roll, Dessert $4
Tuesday, February 25
To Go Meal - Beef Stew, Bread/Roll, Dessert $4
LifePath Meals/Senior Center Congregate Lunches
LifePath is again offering hot meals in a congreagate setting at the Center. Meals are served every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. A $3.00 donation is requested. Call us at 625-2502 for meal menus and to sign up. No "to go" meals will be available.
Home-Delivered Meals
“Meals on Wheels” are available for seniors in West County up to seven days per week. Please call LifePath (formerly Franklin County Home Care) at 413-773-5555 for information and registration.
The Brown Bag Program - This program provides a bag of groceries for low-income adults who are 55 years and older (or younger with documented disability) and is distributed on the third Wednesday of the month at the Senior Center from 1:15 to 3:00 PM. To apply for the monthly bag of groceries, call the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts at 1-800-247-9632 or you can contact the Outreach Coordinator at The Senior Center for help with the application.
CISA Senior Farm Shares
CISA sponsors fifteen farm shares through the Senior Center typically beginning in late June or early July through mid-September. You must be 60 years old to apply and eligible in at least one of the following categories: receiving SNAP, Medicaid SSI, AFDS, or veterans’ aid; participate in the Brown Bag program; live alone with income below $27,180 (one share per household). Please call the Center for eligibility requirements.
Farm fresh produce is delivered to the Senior Center on Wednesdays at noon and must be picked up before 4:00 PM. There is a one-time co-pay of $10.
2024 season applications and eligibility information will be available early May 2024. Watch this website, check our Newsletter or call the Senior Center for information.
Please see our Newsletter and Calendar for more information about Meals.