Director's Report - December 2023
Each month Director Juli Moreno presents a report to the Board of Directors highlighting the previous month’s activities.
Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting
December 14, 2023
Director’s Report
Administration: Juli Moreno
- Water leaked from the back door pipe, fixed and waiting for new wood floor near back door.
- Continued issues with Verizon phone lines (dropped calls), Juli working with them to fix and update system.
- Designated as Heating Center (at present only hours of operation)
- Target a March meeting with Masons to re-negotiate lease.
- Fire extinguisher and fire inspection- passed.
- Partnering with Ashfield library for Astounding Writers on Saturdays (2x month)
- Partnered with YMCA for Enhanced Fitness class, free, 16 weeks, at Cowell.
- Rec Committee working with us for Cowell Gym and potential programming in Spring.
- Juli continues to attend the Advisory Council for Lifepath, monthly meetings.
- Open Air committee, Rec Committee, libraries, Fish Unlimited, and some local businesses are now in network, sharing items for newsletters and postings.
- Tour of Trinity Church, potential partnering with space and activities
- Agenda-driven weekly staff meetings occurring, meeting notes available.
- Walking Club solid, still growing in attendees, more than 25 walkers signed up.
- IT classes on site and in homes will start in January, classes in Sr Ctr and in Ashfield (town hall?)
- Social History Project in Ashfield, working on presentation based on Mary Mosley’s grant project.
- Peer Support, Never Alone, starting second and fourth Fridays.
- Increase of attendance in wellness activities, Balance participants signing up for activities
- Pen Pal Project started, needing more writers and some receivers!
- Facebook presence, adding Instagram this month.
- Developing a “brand flyer” to post on a consistent template around towns.
- T-Shirts still available!
- Newsletter continues to receive positive feedback for information and fun sections like recipes and pet corner.
- Sharing of events with various vendor newsletters such as Lifepath, West County Shopper
- Received Caregiver Respite for 7,800 to add drop off afternoon session and care for carees during support group.
- We were awarded over 7000 for hybrid programming grant through EOEA
- Waiting on results of EOEAH hybrid grant, notification end of Nov
- Developing a new spread sheet with Gloria, to track monthly status of salaries, town funds, and gift fund. At present multiple different documents, now streamlining.
- Completed three bill runs, coding and budgeting. Completed four Turnover of cash and donations to Town Hall.
- Completed FRTA, RSVP, Caregiver Grant monthly reports.
Outreach: Teddy Doucette
Outreach 59 unduplicated individuals
Home Visit/transportation - 17
Risk / Counseling:
- 32 check-in calls or home visit to at risk and/or isolated seniors.
- provided supportive counseling 10 times.
- provided support with Medical Management 15 times.
LifePath grant status:
- coordinated home repair or technology support for 15
- co-facilitated monthly Caregiver Support Group with 9 attending.
- co-facilitated monthly Memory Cafe with 20 attending.
- Completed 3 SHINE applications.
- helped 2 with RMV issues.
- referred 3 for Home Modification Program
- assisted 11 with housing applications and/or provided necessary information about housing
- SHINE appointments or resolution of insurance issues for 8 9Waiting for new SHINE counselor for January before scheduling.
Activities: Dot Lyman (weekly counts, unless otherwise noted)
Programming Status:
- Lifepath meal inside every Thurs - average 10-12 per meal
To Go Meals
- Tuesday to go meal 11/14-Thanksgiving meal - 80
Health and Clinics:
Foot Care-
- 11/13 – 13(A3, B5, S4, other 1)
- 11/27 – 13(A5, B5, S3)
- Ask the Nurse – 11/27 - 5
- Yoga with instructor 8-10
- Matter of Balance workshop – series of 8, 17 attending
- Dance Aerobics exercise – 8 per session
- Healthy Bones & Balance exercise program in person, Weds at 10 in Senior Center - 15 people, 2 instructors, Thurs at 10 in Ashfield – 13 people, 2 instructors
- Tai Chi for Beginners- every Tuesday - 10
- Tai Chi for Arthritis every Thursday – 10
- BINGO every Thursday – 10-12 people each time.
- Movie –11/27 –“Grand Budapest Hotel”- 4
- Knitting group – every Thursday 10-15 people
- Ashfield COA Thanksgiving lunch 11/2 – 19
- Men's Night – 11/8 – to Floodwater Brewery - 6
Education and Expression:
- Sen. Learning Network – 11/14 – “Arcadia National Park” – 8 , 11/21 “Lewis and Clark Nat. Historic Trail - 7
- Veteran’s Agent here the 4th Wed. every month – open for drop ins
- Memoir Writing by Zoom – on hold due to loss of Faith Kindness
- Novel Idea Book Club – 8-10 people
- Drumming – every Monday – 10 people
- Conversation Café 11/7 – (sponsored by Buck.COA) - 7
Transport- Bob Szafran
- Nov23- logged in 2732 miles this month (A-24, B-44, S-65, other-53)
- 77 Med rides, 108 shopping, 24 other